Dingman Creek Environmental Assessment
About this project
Stage 1 Study (Completed September 2020)
This Environmental Assessment (EA) was initiated to determine stormwater management solutions to facilitate development in south London for lands within the Urban Growth Boundary for the next 20 years. Finalization of floodplain updates delayed the project. To address imminent development pressure, the Stage 1 EA proceeded to identify preferred stormwater management strategies for lands not impacted by floodplain updates (Stage 1 Lands). Stage 2 lands were to be addressed in a future study.
The Environmental Assessment Project File for the Stage 1 Lands is available below.
Download the Dingman Creek Subwatershed: Stormwater Servicing Study.
Download the Executive Summary.
Download the Dingman Creek EA Notice of Completion.
Stage 2 Study (Initiated September 2021)
The purpose of this EA is to finalize regulatory floodplain for Dingman Creek and assess potential flood mitigation and stormwater servicing alternatives to address imminent and future flooding and erosion risk within primarily the Stage 2 Lands.
Through the EA, a range of flood mitigation and stormwater management strategies will be developed. The recommended approach will guide future development, identify mitigative and adaptive flood control works and align with the City’s vision for the creek corridor to integrate natural heritage, stormwater management and recreational uses.
Public meeting
The City of London hosted an in-person public meeting on November 13 at Ashley Oaks Public School as part of the Dingman Creek Environmental Assessment (EA) Floodplain Update. The meeting presented draft updated Dingman Creek Regulatory Floodplain mapping, future flood mitigation strategies, and next steps in the Dingman Creek EA Study.
View the notice about the public meeting
View the Regulatory Floodline update of Dingman Creek
About this project
Stage 1 Study (Completed September 2020)
This Environmental Assessment (EA) was initiated to determine stormwater management solutions to facilitate development in south London for lands within the Urban Growth Boundary for the next 20 years. Finalization of floodplain updates delayed the project. To address imminent development pressure, the Stage 1 EA proceeded to identify preferred stormwater management strategies for lands not impacted by floodplain updates (Stage 1 Lands). Stage 2 lands were to be addressed in a future study.
The Environmental Assessment Project File for the Stage 1 Lands is available below.
Download the Dingman Creek Subwatershed: Stormwater Servicing Study.
Download the Executive Summary.
Download the Dingman Creek EA Notice of Completion.
Stage 2 Study (Initiated September 2021)
The purpose of this EA is to finalize regulatory floodplain for Dingman Creek and assess potential flood mitigation and stormwater servicing alternatives to address imminent and future flooding and erosion risk within primarily the Stage 2 Lands.
Through the EA, a range of flood mitigation and stormwater management strategies will be developed. The recommended approach will guide future development, identify mitigative and adaptive flood control works and align with the City’s vision for the creek corridor to integrate natural heritage, stormwater management and recreational uses.
Public meeting
The City of London hosted an in-person public meeting on November 13 at Ashley Oaks Public School as part of the Dingman Creek Environmental Assessment (EA) Floodplain Update. The meeting presented draft updated Dingman Creek Regulatory Floodplain mapping, future flood mitigation strategies, and next steps in the Dingman Creek EA Study.
View the notice about the public meeting
View the Regulatory Floodline update of Dingman Creek
Upcoming public meeting (November 13, 2024)
Share Upcoming public meeting (November 13, 2024) on Facebook Share Upcoming public meeting (November 13, 2024) on Twitter Share Upcoming public meeting (November 13, 2024) on Linkedin Email Upcoming public meeting (November 13, 2024) linkThe City of London is hosting an in-person public meeting as part of the Dingman Creek Environmental Assessment (EA) Floodplain Update. The meeting will present draft updated Dingman Creek Regulatory Floodplain mapping, future flood mitigation strategies, and next steps in the Dingman Creek EA Study. The meeting will be an open house format with the project team available to answer questions and receive feedback as part of the EA consultation process.
Meeting location and time:
Ashley Oaks Public School (121 Ashley Crescent, London)
Wednesday, November 13, 2024
Open house 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Upcoming public meeting (October 19, 2023)
Share Upcoming public meeting (October 19, 2023) on Facebook Share Upcoming public meeting (October 19, 2023) on Twitter Share Upcoming public meeting (October 19, 2023) on Linkedin Email Upcoming public meeting (October 19, 2023) linkThe City of London is hosting a public meeting about options for flood mitigation strategies considered in the EA process and to share draft updated Regulatory Floodplain mapping. The project team will be available to answer questions and collect feedback as part of the EA consultation process.
Meeting Location and Time:
Date: Thursday, October 19th, 2023
Location: South London Community Centre - Wakefield Room (1119 Jalna Blvd, London, ON)
The meeting will be open house format (drop in) between 6pm to 7:30pm
The Stage 2 EA is Underway
Share The Stage 2 EA is Underway on Facebook Share The Stage 2 EA is Underway on Twitter Share The Stage 2 EA is Underway on Linkedin Email The Stage 2 EA is Underway linkOn July 6, 2021, Council approved the award of the Dingman Creek Subwatershed Stage 2 Lands, Schedule ‘C’ Municipal Class Environmental Assessment project to Kontzamanis Graumann Smith MacMillan Inc. (also known as KGS Group).
The formal Notice of Study Initiation was released on September 2, 2021, with notification being sent to government and regulatory agencies, First Nation’s communities, local stakeholder groups, landowners with property adjacent to Dingman Creek within the study area, as well as appearing in the Londoner on September 2nd and 9th.
What is an Environmental Assessment (EA)?
Share What is an Environmental Assessment (EA)? on Facebook Share What is an Environmental Assessment (EA)? on Twitter Share What is an Environmental Assessment (EA)? on Linkedin Email What is an Environmental Assessment (EA)? linkAn Environmental Assessment is the process of determining what environmental impacts, if any, there will be during a project and how to minimize the impacts. The Environmental Assessment process falls under the Ontario Environmental Assessment Act.
The term "environment" includes the natural, social, cultural, built and economic environments.
There are two types of Environmental Assessment (EA) processes:
- Individual EA - where projects have Terms of Reference and an individual environmental assessment carried out and submitted to the Minister of the Environment for review and approval.
- Class EA - where projects are approved subject to compliance with an approved class environmental assessment process with respect to a class of undertakings.
What is the focus of the Dingman Creek EA?
Share What is the focus of the Dingman Creek EA? on Facebook Share What is the focus of the Dingman Creek EA? on Twitter Share What is the focus of the Dingman Creek EA? on Linkedin Email What is the focus of the Dingman Creek EA? linkThe Dingman Creek subwatershed covers a total of 17,200 hectares and is located in Middlesex County with 74% of the area within the City of London.
The Dingman Creek EA is the most important stormwater EA that will be completed by the City for over the next 15 years. The recommendations of the Dingman Creek EA are intended to mitigate the impact of future development on water resources and to remediate the subwatershed, with consideration for current and potential flooding, erosion concerns, as well as wildlife/aquatic habitat and natural corridor enhancement. The focus of the study will be providing stormwater management solutions to facilitate development in South London for lands within the Urban Growth Boundary for the next 20 years.
The concept of a “complete corridor” will also be evaluated as part of the EA process to promote the movement of stormwater, wildlife, and people. The recommended strategy is intended to be a showcase project for south London as well as a fiscally responsible approach to stormwater management in the subwatershed. This study also includes a Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) Pilot Project to streamline stormwater approvals and reduce future study costs.
EA Problem Statement
Share EA Problem Statement on Facebook Share EA Problem Statement on Twitter Share EA Problem Statement on Linkedin Email EA Problem Statement linkThe aim of the EA study will be to address the following Problem Statement:
“The Dingman Creek Subwatershed (DCS) suffers from poor water quality, a lack of wildlife habitat, loss of trees and vegetation, as well as flooding and erosion issues.
Sustainable growth within the Urban Growth Boundary of the DCS is a City of London priority. To maintain, enhance, and restore the DCS, the City needs a comprehensive plan to support both environmental and development goals. This Plan must:
- Build on the 1995 and 2005 Dingman Creek Subwatershed Studies and be consistent with the goals and objectives of the Official Plan and Southwest Area Secondary Plan;
- Meet the targets established in the Environmental Compliance Approval (ECA);
- Create a "complete corridor" that provides a continuous natural area for the movement of water, wildlife, and people.
Note: The Dingman Creek EA will not delay construction of approved Site Plans or Draft Approved subdivisions.”
Current Status
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In parallel to the Dingman Creek EA, the UTRCA has undertaken a comprehensive review of the floodplain hazards within the Dingman Creek Subwatershed. The UTRCA Regulatory Floodplain Update is expected to have implications on the limits of the floodplain and as a result planning and development applications within the floodplain area determined through the update. A preliminary hazard lands 'screening area' for the Dingman Creek Subwatershed has been developed by UTRCA. This map is included in the November 12, 2018 City of London report to Planning and Environment Committee and identifies the ‘screening area’, where further review and refinement will continue as options for engineered flood mitigation and/or policy solutions are assessed through a subsequent phase of the Dingman EA. For more information regarding UTRCA's Flood and Erosion Hazard Mapping, visit their website at http://thamesriver.on.ca/planning-permits-maps/flood-erosion-hazard-mapping/.
EA Phasing
The objectives of the Dingman EA study are to develop stormwater servicing solutions for lands that are scheduled for development. As a result, the UTRCA floodplain update has triggered the recommendation for the EA to be phased into two components (See map for Stage 1 lands). Stage 1 will address stormwater servicing requirements for select lands under the original EA scope of work. Stage 1 will only recommend municipal infrastructure for new development within tributaries outside of the area of influence of the updated Dingman Creek hazard lands. Stage 2 will be a continuation of the Master Plan EA process but will include a new or expanded problem statement to analyze potential engineering infrastructure for Dingman Creek (and tributaries not included in Stage 1) to mitigate flooding on impacted lands (as well as to improve access), all in consideration of the updated hazard information. During this time, the UTRCA will continue to confirm the extents of the natural hazards that are components of the UTRCA’s Regulation Limits.
What is a Complete Corridor?
Share What is a Complete Corridor? on Facebook Share What is a Complete Corridor? on Twitter Share What is a Complete Corridor? on Linkedin Email What is a Complete Corridor? linkAn overarching concept of the EA is to create a naturalized corridor within South London as part of the stormwater management strategy. As such, the study includes looking at the option of creating a “complete corridor” to convey water, wildlife and people.
The three components of the complete corridor include:
- The Dingman Creek – to convey water and provide habitat for aquatic life;
- The Floodplain Corridor – to consider expanded storage within the existing floodplain and connect significant Natural Heritage System features.
- A Pedestrian Pathway – to encourage physical activity, including walking, running, and cycling.
The complete corridor is intended to be a unique feature for South London with limits expected to be between Wonderland Road South and Wellington Road South.
Dingman Wetland
Share Dingman Wetland on Facebook Share Dingman Wetland on Twitter Share Dingman Wetland on Linkedin Email Dingman Wetland linkThe Dingman Wetland is an example of how the complete corridor could look when implemented. The Dingman Wetland was constructed by the City of London in 2015 and incorporates expanded water storage within the existing floodplain for erosion control while creating enhanced wildlife habitat and restoring natural heritage features. The Dingman Wetland is approximately 18 ha in area (equivalent to 114 NHL hockey rink ice surfaces) and provides 210,000 m3 of water storage (equivalent to volume of 84 Olympic size swimming pools) for erosion control. Over 1.8 km of new fish habitat was created through this project and is supplemented by other habitat features including 15 bird houses, 7 bat houses, 5 turtle nesting islands and 16 floating basking logs. The Dingman Wetland is currently utilized by diverse wild life including migrating birds, geese, butterflies and the American Mink. The Dingman Wetland is designed to be periodically flooded during storm events but is not intended to be a permanent water body. The bottom of the Dingman Wetland is designed to be a shallow marsh or meadow marsh habitat for most of the year.
Who's Listening
Email asones@london.ca
About the study
Follow Project
Stage 1 - Council Award of Project
Dingman Creek Environmental Assessment has finished this stageNovember 2015
Stage 1 - Background review by consultant
Dingman Creek Environmental Assessment has finished this stageJanuary 2016 - Present
Stage 1 - Notice of Commencement & Public Information Centre # 1
Dingman Creek Environmental Assessment has finished this stageWednesday, May 31
Stage 1 - Public Information Centre # 2
Dingman Creek Environmental Assessment has finished this stageWednesday, June 19, 2019
Stage 1 - Study Conclusion
Dingman Creek Environmental Assessment has finished this stageNotice of completion and 30 day public review period
February 28 – March 30, 2020
Stage 2 - Council Award of Project
Dingman Creek Environmental Assessment has finished this stageJuly 6, 2021
Stage 2 - Notice of Commencement
Dingman Creek Environmental Assessment has finished this stageSeptember 2, 2021
Stage 2 - Presentation and Meeting for Landowners
Dingman Creek Environmental Assessment has finished this stageSeptember 16, 2021
Stage 2 - Public Information Centre # 1
Dingman Creek Environmental Assessment has finished this stageOctober 19, 2023
Public Consultation
Dingman Creek Environmental Assessment is currently at this stageFall 2024
Updated Floodplain Mapping is published online
this is an upcoming stage for Dingman Creek Environmental AssessmentNovember 2024
Finalize Flood Mitigation Strategies
this is an upcoming stage for Dingman Creek Environmental AssessmentWinter 2025
Official Plan Amendment for Regulatory Floodplain
this is an upcoming stage for Dingman Creek Environmental AssessmentWinter 2025
Finalize Environmental Assessment Report
this is an upcoming stage for Dingman Creek Environmental AssessmentSummer 2025
Stage 1 - Documents
Dingman Creek Subwatershed Stormwater Servicing Study (165 MB) (pdf)
Dingman Creek Subwatershed Stormwater Servicing Study - Executive Summary (3.45 MB) (pdf)
Dingman Creek EA Notice of Completion Letter (Feb 2020) (361 KB) (pdf)
Civic Works Committee - February 4, 2020 (1.79 MB) (PDF)
Dingman Creek EA Study Area Map (1.53 MB) (pdf)
Planning & Environment Committee - March 18, 2019 (8.45 MB) (pdf)
Planning & Environment Committee - November 12, 2018 (236 KB) (pdf)
Civic Works Committee - October 6, 2015 (2.53 MB) (pdf)
Stage 1 - Important Links
Public Information Centre #1 - Presentation Slides (12.4 MB) (pdf)
Public Information Centre #2 - Presentation Slides (9.87 MB) (pdf)
Dingman Creek EA Notice of Completion Letter (Feb 2020) (361 KB) (pdf)
Dingman Creek Subwatershed Stormwater Servicing Study (165 MB) (pdf)
Dingman Creek Subwatershed Stormwater Servicing Study - Executive Summary (3.45 MB) (pdf)
Stage 2 - Documents
Civic Works Committee - June 22 2021 (1.13 MB) (pdf)
Landowner Meeting Presentation Slides – September 16, 2021 (8.49 MB) (pdf)
Notice of Study Initiation – September 2, 2021 (414 KB) (pdf)
Notice of Public Meeting - October 19, 2023 (442 KB) (pdf)
Public Meeting Display Boards (October 2023) (10.7 MB) (pdf)
Public Meeting Display Boards - Maps (October 2023) (4.44 MB) (pdf)
Notice of Public Meeting - November 13, 2024 (298 KB) (pdf)
Regulatory Floodline Update - Dingman Creek (November 2024) (20.8 MB) (pdf)
Public Meeting Display Boards (November 2024) (56.9 MB) (pdf)
Developer Meeting Display Boards (November 2024) (9.71 MB) (pdf)
Stage 2 - Important Links
Dingman Creek Zones
Click here to play video Dingman Creek Drone Footage - Zone A
Click here to play video Dingman Creek Drone Footage - Zone B
Click here to play video Dingman Creek Drone Footage - Zone C
Click here to play video Dingman Creek Drone Footage - Zone D
Click here to play video Dingman Creek Drone Footage - Zone E
Click here to play video Dingman Creek Drone Footage - Zone F
Meet Jeffrey the Salamander!
Jeffery the Salamander is the mascot for the Dingman Creek EA study. His character is based on the Jefferson Salamander, which is on the endangered species list in Ontario. This species has been sighted in certain pockets within the Dingman Creek study area. The City of London is working to support habitat for Jeffery as well as other Species at Risk by protecting and improving natural woodlands, wetlands, and watercourses. We hope that by making the natural environment healthier, the City will be a safe home for diverse species of fish, animals, plants, and trees.
For more information on the Jefferson Salamander, please visit: https://www.ontario.ca/page/jefferson-salamander
Notice of Collection
The personal information submitted on this page is collected under the authority of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25 and will be used to provide details regarding future Dingman Creek supported communications, events, or activities.
With the exception of personal information, all comments will become part of the public record of the study. The study is being conducted according to the requirements of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment, which is a planning process approved under Ontario’s Environmental Assessment Act.
Questions about this collection of personal information should be addressed to Stormwater Engineering Division at 300 Dufferin Ave., London, ON N6A 4L9, or by telephone at 519-661-2489 ext. 4574 , or email to stormwater@london.ca