What is the focus of the Dingman Creek EA?
The Dingman Creek subwatershed covers a total of 17,200 hectares and is located in Middlesex County with 74% of the area within the City of London.
The Dingman Creek EA is the most important stormwater EA that will be completed by the City for over the next 15 years. The recommendations of the Dingman Creek EA are intended to mitigate the impact of future development on water resources and to remediate the subwatershed, with consideration for current and potential flooding, erosion concerns, as well as wildlife/aquatic habitat and natural corridor enhancement. The focus of the study will be providing stormwater management solutions to facilitate development in South London for lands within the Urban Growth Boundary for the next 20 years.
The concept of a “complete corridor” will also be evaluated as part of the EA process to promote the movement of stormwater, wildlife, and people. The recommended strategy is intended to be a showcase project for south London as well as a fiscally responsible approach to stormwater management in the subwatershed. This study also includes a Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) Pilot Project to streamline stormwater approvals and reduce future study costs.