Dingman Wetland
The Dingman Wetland is an example of how the complete corridor could look when implemented. The Dingman Wetland was constructed by the City of London in 2015 and incorporates expanded water storage within the existing floodplain for erosion control while creating enhanced wildlife habitat and restoring natural heritage features. The Dingman Wetland is approximately 18 ha in area (equivalent to 114 NHL hockey rink ice surfaces) and provides 210,000 m3 of water storage (equivalent to volume of 84 Olympic size swimming pools) for erosion control. Over 1.8 km of new fish habitat was created through this project and is supplemented by other habitat features including 15 bird houses, 7 bat houses, 5 turtle nesting islands and 16 floating basking logs. The Dingman Wetland is currently utilized by diverse wild life including migrating birds, geese, butterflies and the American Mink. The Dingman Wetland is designed to be periodically flooded during storm events but is not intended to be a permanent water body. The bottom of the Dingman Wetland is designed to be a shallow marsh or meadow marsh habitat for most of the year.