Mobility Master Plan

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Planning Our Future Mobility Network

The City of London and its partners at London Transit and the Middlesex London Health Unit are developing a long-term plan to prepare London's mobility system for change and growth expected from now, to 2050. The Mobility Master Plan will be London’s first fully integrated mobility plan which considers all forms of mobility, including general traffic lanes, bus lanes, cycling facilities, sidewalks, and pathways.

The Mobility Master Plan will include:

  • Mode Share Target (complete)
  • Polices and Actions (in progress)
  • Transportation Project Recommendations (in progress)

Transportation Project Recommendations

New transportation project recommendations are being proposed as part of the third and final phase of the Mobility Master Plan. Click the links below or visit our primary web page at to download maps and helpful background information.

Road Network

Transit Network

Cycling Network

Pedestrian Network

Policies and Actions (in progress)

Policies and Actions play a powerful role in shaping London’s mobility system, influencing where, how, when and why future projects get implemented and how the mobility system is used. They are also essential to meeting our new mode share target and providing the supporting people move around the city in a variety of ways. The City of London continues to collect feedback and ideas for policies and actions. Click on an Area of Focus listed below to learn more.

Submitting Feedback

Feedback is being accepted until January 31, 2025. Any input provided after this date is welcomed and will be reviewed but may have reduced potential to influence the study. Please share any comments by using the Questions tab below.

Planning Our Future Mobility Network

The City of London and its partners at London Transit and the Middlesex London Health Unit are developing a long-term plan to prepare London's mobility system for change and growth expected from now, to 2050. The Mobility Master Plan will be London’s first fully integrated mobility plan which considers all forms of mobility, including general traffic lanes, bus lanes, cycling facilities, sidewalks, and pathways.

The Mobility Master Plan will include:

  • Mode Share Target (complete)
  • Polices and Actions (in progress)
  • Transportation Project Recommendations (in progress)

Transportation Project Recommendations

New transportation project recommendations are being proposed as part of the third and final phase of the Mobility Master Plan. Click the links below or visit our primary web page at to download maps and helpful background information.

Road Network

Transit Network

Cycling Network

Pedestrian Network

Policies and Actions (in progress)

Policies and Actions play a powerful role in shaping London’s mobility system, influencing where, how, when and why future projects get implemented and how the mobility system is used. They are also essential to meeting our new mode share target and providing the supporting people move around the city in a variety of ways. The City of London continues to collect feedback and ideas for policies and actions. Click on an Area of Focus listed below to learn more.

Submitting Feedback

Feedback is being accepted until January 31, 2025. Any input provided after this date is welcomed and will be reviewed but may have reduced potential to influence the study. Please share any comments by using the Questions tab below.


Have a question about the Mobility Master Plan or a transportation or mobility topic you'd like us to share information about? Let us know here.

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Page last updated: 06 Feb 2025, 09:51 AM