What is mobility?

    Transportation is defined as the act of moving people or goods. Mobility offers a more holistic perspective, which includes options for getting around and having access to everyday needs like school, work, the grocery store, parks or health care. Our mobility system is directly linked to quality of life and creating places and spaces that function more effectively and safely for everyone. The Mobility Master Plan is working towards a future where everyone has safe, healthy, affordable and accessible mobility options to get where they need to go.

    Why is this work happening now?

    The City is entering a new era of transportation planning! London is the fastest growing city in Ontario with significant transportation and mobility improvements already underway. This includes the construction of rapid transit infrastructure, intelligent traffic signals, investing $40 million in active transportation infrastructure and investigating new modes of transportation like e-bikes and programs like bikeshare. London Municipal Council has also approved a Climate Emergency Action Plan that includes a variety of short-term and longer-term actions and milestone targets which will have a direct impact on the way we plan our future mobility system.

    How can I participate?

    City staff will be visiting London neighbourhoods, conducting interviews, and participating in focus groups to gain deeper insights into the community’s mobility needs, challenges and ideas for future solutions. Public engagement and feedback are critical for the Mobility Master Plan. If your organization or community group would like to co-host a workshop with us and your members, please contact mmp@london.ca. Any current Surveys or Feedback forms are available on this web page. 

    How long will it take to develop the plan?

    The process to develop the plan requires the City to complete a combination of technical work along with consultation with Londoners. Major components of the Mobility Master Plan are planned to be shared with the community for feedback throughout 2024. Please continue to visit the project's webpage for updates and new engagement opportunities throughout 2024.

    How can I make a translation request?

    The City is happy to accommodate translation requests throughout the process. Residents may contact the project team directly via email (mmp@london.ca) or by phone at 519-661-4580 to make requests.