Why are we launching a Transportation Management Association (TMA) in London?

    The City recognizes that there are often barriers preventing employees and/or Londoners from using a different option that may be less stressful, more cost effective, and more sustainable than driving alone.

    In early 2020, the City collected feedback from both employers and employees across London to better understand motivations and barriers of their commute. Did you complete that survey? Click here for findings

    The City is now re-engaging London employers because the COVID-19 pandemic has changed how and where many Londoners work. This includes more widespread hybrid and Work from Home schedules. 

    We would like to hear from employers how transportation options to your workplace, parking, and traffic affect employees and your business. Many have indicated interest in helping employees with greener commutes, but that they alone don’t have the resources to make it work.

    The City continues to explore solutions to help more Londoners choose cheaper, less stressful, greener commutes. Smart Commute London is part of the solution.

    The City’s Climate Emergency Action Plan targets net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. The City is committed to exploring and supporting a variety of transportation options for Londoners. 

    This work builds on the foundational work the City has already done in Transportation Demand Management, sustainability, and city planning. Community consultation is also underway for London’s new Mobility Master Plan - a plan that will determine how London prioritizes transportation and mobility infrastructure, programs and policies for the next 25 years.

    Can I share feedback again if I provided input in 2020?

    Yes. As the dynamics of commuting have changed in the pandemic aftermath, we hope to hear from you again about your current needs related to commuting and your interest in Smart Commute London. Please complete the feedback form.

    How can Smart Commute London help employers?

    Smart Commute London can increase transportation options, provide financial savings to both employers and employees, balance parking demand and capacity, and help reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Participation can help an employer engage new employees and help support their commute to work. Other advantages include increasing employee retention and satisfaction, addressing parking issues and traffic congestion. Smart Commute London brings together employers to share resources and ideas for more cost-effective commuting programs and strategies than most employers can afford individually.

    How can Smart Commute London help employees?

    The advantages to an employee who works for an employer member of Smart Commute London include more options for getting to and from work, financial savings, increased physical activity, a stress-free commute to and from work, and the satisfaction that comes with taking action to address climate change.

    What resources are required from employers?

    Sign up today! Participation is free of charge for the first two years after launch. Take full advantage and join soon! This offer ends May 2026. You’ll need to assign a Workplace Champion to share program information with colleagues. Additional employer resources depend on level of interest. 

    Generally, TMAs are usually funded through dues paid by member organizations as well as government grants and subsidies. In addition to an annual membership fee, employer resources may also include staff time to implement programs internally, staff time for TMA meeting attendance, and sharing promotional resources. Interestingly, Smart Commute London is one of the first to be launched after the majority of the pandemic is behind us. That is why we recognize that modified or new approaches are required.

    What is the City of London's role in Smart Commute London?

    The City will lead the program for the first two years, while a sustainability plan is developed. The City will also be a member of Smart Commute London. Additional City roles could include operational support and financial support.

    Throughout the first two years, the City will continue to collect feedback about Smart Commute London. This work includes how formalized the TMA should be and how it can evolve to meet members’ needs. Also of interest is the relationship between commuting for work and using the transportation system for non-commuting needs. TMA work is one of the actions included in London’s Climate Emergency Action Plan