On April 12, 2022, Council approved London’s Climate Emergency Action Plan.
This winter and spring, City staff continued to engage with Londoners on the draft Climate Emergency Action Plan (CEAP) and received more valuable feedback. Based on the comments received, the CEAP and its Areas of Focus implementation workplans provide a strong foundation of milestone targets, actions, shared leadership and support for continuous improvement of the CEAP. Expedient implementation of the CEAP was encouraged by the majority of those who provided feedback on the draft document.
With this additional engagement period, the City heard from residents, businesses, and organizations about the draft plan and workplans and prepared a report on the comments and feedback that was provided by residents, businesses, and organizations.
On April 12, 2022, Council received this report and approved London’s Climate Emergency Action Plan.
The complete Climate Emergency Action Plan can be read online, along with workplans and supporting documents that cover the different areas of focus in the plan.
This is a critical moment for London’s response to climate change. The CEAP includes 59 Categories of Actions and contains over 200 actions, ranging from basic to complex actions, across the 10 Areas of Focus. Several actions are designed to start in 2022 or are already under way. Other actions will start in 2023 and some in 2024.
Community feedback will be an ongoing part of the CEAP as it is implemented. The website getinvolved.london.ca/climate will continue to be updated about the progress and opportunities of the CEAP, and more information will be posted as actions take place.
There are several current initiatives that you can participate in and comment on. Get involved and help us respond to the climate emergency together. Some of these other initiatives by the City include the Mobility Master Plan and ReThink Zoning. A full list of initiatives open for comments can be viewed at getinvolved.london.ca