Bradley Avenue Extension

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An image of Bradley Ave in London Ontario.

The City of London is planning to extend Bradley Avenue, from Wharncliffe Road South to the west leg of Jalna Boulevard.

This project includes new road construction between Wharncliffe Road South and White Oak Road and as well as a road upgrade between White Oak Road and Jalna Boulevard. In its entirety, this project will create a 4-lane ‘complete street’ with sidewalks, in-boulevard bike lanes, lighting and landscaping to support all modes of transportation and development in the area. Construction activities are anticipated to begin as early as Summer 2025.

The map above shows the project area for Bradley Avenue Extension. Work is planned at the Bradley Avenue, from Wharncliffe Road South to the west side of Jalna Boulevard.

Current Feedback Opportunity

The City is hosting virtual and in-person public meeting opportunities for residents, businesses, and property owners to learn more about the project and the plans for construction. If you are a property owner with business or residential tenants, please pass along this information to them.

At both public meetings, there will be an opportunity to:

  • View detailed designs of the planned road improvements
  • Learn more about plans for construction
  • Ask questions to the project team

Virtual Meeting

Date: Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Time: 12-1 pm

Location: Zoom webinar. Pre-register for the meeting here.

A recording of the webinar will also be posted to this webpage after the meeting.

In-Person Meeting (Drop-In)

Date: Thursday, November 7, 2024

Time: 6-8 pm

Location: South London Community Centre (1119 Jalna Boulevard, London, ON N6E 3B3)

We recognize that not everyone will be able to access this information online. If you require any special accommodations, please contact the project leads listed below, and we will work together to best share the information with you.

Next Steps

  • Preparatory work and tree removals: November 2024 – April 2025
  • Pre-construction update to property owners: Spring 2025
  • Anticipated construction start: Summer 2025
  • Anticipated construction end: Fall 2026

The City of London is planning to extend Bradley Avenue, from Wharncliffe Road South to the west leg of Jalna Boulevard.

This project includes new road construction between Wharncliffe Road South and White Oak Road and as well as a road upgrade between White Oak Road and Jalna Boulevard. In its entirety, this project will create a 4-lane ‘complete street’ with sidewalks, in-boulevard bike lanes, lighting and landscaping to support all modes of transportation and development in the area. Construction activities are anticipated to begin as early as Summer 2025.

The map above shows the project area for Bradley Avenue Extension. Work is planned at the Bradley Avenue, from Wharncliffe Road South to the west side of Jalna Boulevard.

Current Feedback Opportunity

The City is hosting virtual and in-person public meeting opportunities for residents, businesses, and property owners to learn more about the project and the plans for construction. If you are a property owner with business or residential tenants, please pass along this information to them.

At both public meetings, there will be an opportunity to:

  • View detailed designs of the planned road improvements
  • Learn more about plans for construction
  • Ask questions to the project team

Virtual Meeting

Date: Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Time: 12-1 pm

Location: Zoom webinar. Pre-register for the meeting here.

A recording of the webinar will also be posted to this webpage after the meeting.

In-Person Meeting (Drop-In)

Date: Thursday, November 7, 2024

Time: 6-8 pm

Location: South London Community Centre (1119 Jalna Boulevard, London, ON N6E 3B3)

We recognize that not everyone will be able to access this information online. If you require any special accommodations, please contact the project leads listed below, and we will work together to best share the information with you.

Next Steps

  • Preparatory work and tree removals: November 2024 – April 2025
  • Pre-construction update to property owners: Spring 2025
  • Anticipated construction start: Summer 2025
  • Anticipated construction end: Fall 2026
  • EA Addendum Ready for Public Review

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    During the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment Addendum process, alternative design concepts were developed and evaluated using an evaluation criteria. This evaluation criteria included a range of environmental issues and potential avoidance or mitigation of negative effects, and also reflected the concerns of the City and various stakeholders. Various cross section alternatives (details in documents linked below) were considered for the widening of Bradley Avenue from Jalna Boulevard (west leg) to White Oak Road.

    Based on the results of the evaluation process, Alternative 1: Widen Bradley Avenue symmetrically along the centerline (both North and South) was chosen as the preferred design as this option facilitates construction of the roadway cross section including the active transportation facilities within the existing right-of-way on both sides of the roadway.

    The Preferred Alternative was selected based on safety, geometric considerations (ability to maintain the existing centreline) and the lowest cost alternative. The construction timing will need to be coordinated with the adjacent Bradley Avenue extension from Wharncliffe Road South to White Oak Road and will be determined based upon securing necessary approvals, completion of design, and funding. No private properties will be required for the widening of Bradley Avenue from Jalna Boulevard (west leg) to White Oak Road, as all works will be contained within the road right-of-way.

    Prior to filing the Notice of Addendum and beginning the 30-day public review period, the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment Addendum: Bradley Avenue Extension and staff report will be shared with the Civic Works Committee, as well as City Council.

  • EA Addendum

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    The Environmental Assessment addendum will evaluate improvements to Bradley Avenue, between White Oak Road and Jalna Boulevard (West leg). The EA Addendum will evaluate providing continuous cycling, pedestrian, and vehicle infrastructure along the Bradley Avenue corridor. One of the goals of the EA Addendum is to evaluate providing continuity between the existing four lane Bradley Avenue to the east and the four lane extension to the west. The design recommendations will aim to balance the requirements of all current and potential road users of all ages and abilities within the community, including pedestrians, cyclists and motorists.

    The addendum will consider existing and future conditions, assess alternate designs, potential impacts, and mitigation. The addendum will only provide recommendations for the section of Bradley Avenue from White Oak Road to Jalna Boulevard (West Leg). The previously approved recommendations for Bradley Avenue from White Oak Road to Wharncliffe Road South will not be reconsidered.

  • Background

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    The Bradley Avenue Extension Environmental Study Report (ESR) was completed in 2005 and was considered finalized in 2007. The ESR recommended a preferred alignment of the Bradley Avenue extension between White Oak Road to Bostwick Road, but did not include the associated improvements to Bradley Avenue between White Oak Road and Jalna Boulevard (West leg). An EA Addendum is currently being completed to include this section of Bradley Avenue, between White Oak Road and Jalna Boulevard (West leg).

    Bradley Avenue currently extends from outside the City’s eastern boundary to White Oak Road, and Phase 1 of the extension was constructed from Wonderland Road South to Wharncliffe Road South in 2017.

    The next phase of the Bradley Avenue extension, from Wharncliffe Road South to Jalna Boulevard (West leg) was identified as a priority in the 2030 Smart Moves Transportation Master Plan (TMP) and as part of the reprioritization of Growth Management Implementation Strategy (GMIS) for transportation projects. The 2021 Development Charge Background Study Update recommends this segment of Bradley Avenue be constructed in 2023 to accommodate future growth demands and improve traffic operations in the area.

Page last updated: 21 Oct 2024, 02:11 PM