Western Road and Sarnia Road / Philip Aziz Avenue Intersection Improvements
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About this project
An Environmental Assessment was completed to determine explore solutions to the challenges in this area. The recommended alternatives considered transportation facilities for all road users (pedestrians, cyclists and drivers) as per the City’s complete streets requirements and the latest multi-modal level of service analysis, while also considering impacts to traffic operations, safety, natural, socio-economic and cultural features, and costs. The following improvements will be implemented:
Western Road (Platt’s Lane to Burnlea Walk)
Provide new separated cycling lanes and wider pedestrian sidewalks;
Curbs will be introduced where they don’t currently exist to improve drainage and safety;
Implement transit bus bays to facilitate transit operations and accommodate the large number of transit users boarding and alighting at these locations. These bus bays will also improve traffic operations during peak times.
Extend the southbound right turn lane from Western Road to westbound Sarnia Road; and,
Implement access management changes for select properties to improve traffic operations during peak traffic times.
Sarnia Road (Sleightholme Avenue to Western Road)
Provide new separated cycling lanes and wider pedestrian sidewalks.
Philip Aziz Avenue (Western Road to Thames River)
Provide a complete urban cross section, including cycle lanes, sidewalks, curb & gutter, and a relocated entrance to the Philip Aziz property.”
Western Road/Sarnia Road/Philip Aziz Avenue Intersection (see Figure 3)
Provide protected intersection design elements to improve safety as well as, wider pedestrian crossings, enhanced pavement markings, improved illumination and larger pedestrian waiting areas;
Provide improved connectivity for cycling lanes through the intersection,
Reconstruct the intersection to suit adjacent road alignments, maintaining a single northbound left turn lane to Sarnia Road;
Provide intersection improvements meeting current accessibility requirements; and,
Further enhancements such as the use of a leading pedestrian signal phase, being piloted in other city locations, will be reviewed during detailed design.
Stormwater Drainage
Provide new storm sewers on Western Road, Sarnia Road, Philip Aziz Avenue with a new stormwater outfall to the Thames River.
Current Status
The Environmental Study Report is now available. The City has retained a engineering consultant to complete the detailed design and tendering to implement the improvements as recommended in the Environmental Study Report. Construction is tentatively scheduled to begin in 2025, contingent on receiving approvals from regulatory agencies.
Public Meetings
The first Public Information Session was held on December 1, 2021 to provide a progress update, share potential solutions for the area, present recommendation, collect feedback and discuss next steps. Watch a recording of the Public Information Centre or view a copy of the presentation to learn more.
The second Public Information Session occurred on Thursday June 23, 2022. Watch a recording of the Public Information Centre or view a copy of the presentation online.
Project Area
The project area includes Western Road from Platts Lane to Huron University College and Sarnia Road/Philip Aziz Avenue from Coombs Avenue east to the Thames River.
About this project
An Environmental Assessment was completed to determine explore solutions to the challenges in this area. The recommended alternatives considered transportation facilities for all road users (pedestrians, cyclists and drivers) as per the City’s complete streets requirements and the latest multi-modal level of service analysis, while also considering impacts to traffic operations, safety, natural, socio-economic and cultural features, and costs. The following improvements will be implemented:
Western Road (Platt’s Lane to Burnlea Walk)
Provide new separated cycling lanes and wider pedestrian sidewalks;
Curbs will be introduced where they don’t currently exist to improve drainage and safety;
Implement transit bus bays to facilitate transit operations and accommodate the large number of transit users boarding and alighting at these locations. These bus bays will also improve traffic operations during peak times.
Extend the southbound right turn lane from Western Road to westbound Sarnia Road; and,
Implement access management changes for select properties to improve traffic operations during peak traffic times.
Sarnia Road (Sleightholme Avenue to Western Road)
Provide new separated cycling lanes and wider pedestrian sidewalks.
Philip Aziz Avenue (Western Road to Thames River)
Provide a complete urban cross section, including cycle lanes, sidewalks, curb & gutter, and a relocated entrance to the Philip Aziz property.”
Western Road/Sarnia Road/Philip Aziz Avenue Intersection (see Figure 3)
Provide protected intersection design elements to improve safety as well as, wider pedestrian crossings, enhanced pavement markings, improved illumination and larger pedestrian waiting areas;
Provide improved connectivity for cycling lanes through the intersection,
Reconstruct the intersection to suit adjacent road alignments, maintaining a single northbound left turn lane to Sarnia Road;
Provide intersection improvements meeting current accessibility requirements; and,
Further enhancements such as the use of a leading pedestrian signal phase, being piloted in other city locations, will be reviewed during detailed design.
Stormwater Drainage
Provide new storm sewers on Western Road, Sarnia Road, Philip Aziz Avenue with a new stormwater outfall to the Thames River.
Current Status
The Environmental Study Report is now available. The City has retained a engineering consultant to complete the detailed design and tendering to implement the improvements as recommended in the Environmental Study Report. Construction is tentatively scheduled to begin in 2025, contingent on receiving approvals from regulatory agencies.
Public Meetings
The first Public Information Session was held on December 1, 2021 to provide a progress update, share potential solutions for the area, present recommendation, collect feedback and discuss next steps. Watch a recording of the Public Information Centre or view a copy of the presentation to learn more.
The second Public Information Session occurred on Thursday June 23, 2022. Watch a recording of the Public Information Centre or view a copy of the presentation online.
Project Area
The project area includes Western Road from Platts Lane to Huron University College and Sarnia Road/Philip Aziz Avenue from Coombs Avenue east to the Thames River.
Western Road and Sarnia Road / Philip Aziz Avenue Intersection Improvements has finished this stage
Project Commencement
The City initiated the Environmental Assessment study and completed one Public Information Centre.
Western Road and Sarnia Road / Philip Aziz Avenue Intersection Improvements has finished this stage
Study on Hold
The project was put on hold while alternatives for rapid transit routes through the area were being considered.
August 2021
Western Road and Sarnia Road / Philip Aziz Avenue Intersection Improvements has finished this stage
Project Restart
The Northern routes for rapid transit were deferred and the City restarted the project.
December 2021
Western Road and Sarnia Road / Philip Aziz Avenue Intersection Improvements has finished this stage
Public Information Centre #1
A virtual webinar was held on Wednesday, December 1, 2021 to present information about the existing environment, feasible alternative solutions and the Recommended Alternative Solution.
Collect Feedback
Western Road and Sarnia Road / Philip Aziz Avenue Intersection Improvements has finished this stage
Collect feedback on the Recommended Alternative Solution.
June 2022
Western Road and Sarnia Road / Philip Aziz Avenue Intersection Improvements has finished this stage
Public Information Centre #2
Registration is now open for the next virtual public meeting on Thursday June 23, 2022 from 6:00pm to 8:00pm. The purpose of this meeting is to share alternative designs, identify environmental impacts and required mitigation measures, and present the Recommended Design Alternative.
Collect Feedback
Western Road and Sarnia Road / Philip Aziz Avenue Intersection Improvements has finished this stage
Collect feedback on the Recommended Design Alternative.
Environmental Study Report
Western Road and Sarnia Road / Philip Aziz Avenue Intersection Improvements has finished this stage
The final Environmental Study Report has been prepared and is available for Public Review on this webpage between June 1 and July 5, 2023.
Detailed Design
Western Road and Sarnia Road / Philip Aziz Avenue Intersection Improvements is currently at this stage
Construction Begins
this is an upcoming stage for Western Road and Sarnia Road / Philip Aziz Avenue Intersection Improvements
Notice of Collection
Please note that all correspondence will be maintained for reference throughout the project and will become part of the project record. Under the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA) and the Environmental Assessment Act (EAA), unless otherwise stated in the submission, any personal information such as name, address, telephone number and property location included in a submission will become part of the public record files for this project and will be released, if requested, to any person.
Questions about this collection should be addressed to Karl Grabowski, Transportation Design Engineer, 300 Dufferin Ave., London, ON N6A 4L9, or by telephone at 519-661-2489 Ext. 5071, or email to kgrabows@london.ca.