Upland Hills Stormwater Management Facility Remediation Project

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About this project

The City of London is preparing to remove sediment from the Upland Hills stormwater management facility located at 61 Repton Avenue.

This project includes:

  • Removal of sediment from the facility
  • Extension of the existing hill located in Virginia Park and planting of additional trees
  • Repairs to various components within and around the facility
  • Provide for required wildlife protection and restoration of naturalized areas

The work is anticipated to start in July and be completed in October 2024.

Above: A map of the approximate limits of the project area.

Anticipated traffic impacts:

This project will result in the closure of the pedestrian path off Chambers Avenue during construction. For your own safety, please stay away from the designated construction area during this project.

About stormwater management facilities

Stormwater management facilities are designed to capture stormwater runoff from roadways and adjacent properties to improve the quality of the water before releasing it to a natural watercourse. This is achieved by capturing the water in the facility for a desired length of time allowing sand, salt, and other pollutants (sediment) to settle to the bottom. Over time, this sediment accumulates to a point where removal is required to reinstate design functionality.

Great care has been taken to identify wildlife, including protected species, living in and around this facility. An environmental specialist will provide direction to the contractor on the appropriate method of managing aquatic and terrestrial wildlife when encountered on site, in accordance with provincial legislation and direction from the Ministry of Northern Development, Mines, Natural Resources and Forestry.

About this project

The City of London is preparing to remove sediment from the Upland Hills stormwater management facility located at 61 Repton Avenue.

This project includes:

  • Removal of sediment from the facility
  • Extension of the existing hill located in Virginia Park and planting of additional trees
  • Repairs to various components within and around the facility
  • Provide for required wildlife protection and restoration of naturalized areas

The work is anticipated to start in July and be completed in October 2024.

Above: A map of the approximate limits of the project area.

Anticipated traffic impacts:

This project will result in the closure of the pedestrian path off Chambers Avenue during construction. For your own safety, please stay away from the designated construction area during this project.

About stormwater management facilities

Stormwater management facilities are designed to capture stormwater runoff from roadways and adjacent properties to improve the quality of the water before releasing it to a natural watercourse. This is achieved by capturing the water in the facility for a desired length of time allowing sand, salt, and other pollutants (sediment) to settle to the bottom. Over time, this sediment accumulates to a point where removal is required to reinstate design functionality.

Great care has been taken to identify wildlife, including protected species, living in and around this facility. An environmental specialist will provide direction to the contractor on the appropriate method of managing aquatic and terrestrial wildlife when encountered on site, in accordance with provincial legislation and direction from the Ministry of Northern Development, Mines, Natural Resources and Forestry.

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Page last updated: 27 Jun 2024, 03:44 PM