What is urban agriculture?

    Urban agriculture is the practice of growing, processing, sharing, and distributing food within the city. 

    Cities around the world are recognizing the value of urban agriculture in terms of physical and mental health; quality of life; environmental resilience; and community building. 

    • Some of the benefits of urban agriculture include: 
    • Provides access to nutritious, affordable food
    • Builds food-preparation skills and encourages healthier food choices
    • Provides economic development, small business and job training
    • Promotes physical activity and time spent outdoors
    • Can support urban regeneration, community improvement and the development of food districts
    • Provides therapeutic benefits related to mental, physical, and emotional health
    • Encourages interaction with neighbours and community-building
    • Reduces greenhouse gas emissions when food is produced locally
    • Creates habitat for pollinators
    • Encourages stewardship and beautification of land
    • Engages diverse communities

    What is the size of the food trees being given away on July 7?

    The food trees being given away are maiden trees. They are different sizes, but are all about two years old and will fit in most vehicles or cargo bicycles.

    How can I maintain a new tree after planting it?

    It is important to protect and maintain newly planted trees for the first year after they’ve been planted. Residents can learn more about caring for new trees at london.ca/trees.

    Will there be more tree giveaways in the future?

    Yes. National Tree Day is September 27, 2023, and the City of London will be giving away thousands of trees again this year. 

    You can also visit reforestlondon.ca to learn more about ReForest London's events and tree giveaways.

    Can I request a tree be planted outside my home?

    Yes. You can request a tree to be planted in the boulevard in front of your residence. Staff evaluate each request, and decisions are made based on overhead and underground constraints, such as sightlines, overhead utilities and existing trees. 

    Trees are planted in the spring and fall each year. City staff decide the type of tree planted in accordance with City’s policies and standards.

    Request a boulevard tree