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Tell us about your priorities

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Tell us more about your priorities and needs

Over the course of 2022 and early 2023, the City has been collecting comments and feedback about residents’ current experiences moving around London and what would make daily trips easier.

With these comments, the City is exploring potential solutions that would help achieve the Mobility Master Plan’s vision and help address the experiences Londoners have shared.

The plan is being developed with five guiding principles that have been approved by Council. The guiding principles are:

  • Environmentally sustainable
  • Equitable
  • Financially sustainable
  • Healthy and safe
  • Integrated, connected and efficient

These principles are essential priorities of the plan.

Your responses below to this feedback form will help us better understand the community’s priorities and needs in some of these areas. There will be more opportunities to provide feedback on these and other topic areas as the project progresses.


In addition to the plan’s guiding principles, what are your top three priorities that you feel would help improve mobility in London? (Choose up to three)


What would encourage you to choose to walk, or walk more often, to access your daily needs? (Choose up to three)


What would encourage you to choose to bike, or bike more often, to access your daily needs? (Choose up to three)


What would encourage you to choose public transit, or choose public transit more often, to access your daily needs? (Choose up to three)


On most days, what are your primary ways of getting around? (Choose up to three)


An important part of London’s mobility future is building a culture around walking, cycling and taking transit, where moving around the city using more sustainable mobility options is seen as a regular part of daily life for more people. 

What do you think would encourage more people in London to embrace cycling, walking, and public transit? (Choose up to three)