An update about developing the plan’s mode share target
In July 2023, three mode share target options for the year 2050 were developed by the City for the consideration of Council. The options identified mode share targets of 25%, 30% and 35% combining walking, cycling and transit trips. On July 26, 2023, Council provided direction to remove Option 1 (25% walk, cycle, transit) from consideration.
The City then proceeded to engage Londoners about the two mode share target options and collect feedback.
On Tuesday, October 24, 2023, City of London staff brought an update about the Mobility Master Plan to the Civic Works Committee.
This report recommended Option 3 (35% walking, cycling, and transit) as the 2050 mode share target of the Mobility Master Plan, and provided an overview of the feedback we’ve received from the community.
The Civic Works Committee referred the mode share target to a future meeting of the Strategic Priorities and Policy Committee to be aligned with a discussion related to the City's land use study and intensification. Comments from Londoners will continue to be collected.
Londoners can view the report from October 24, or watch the Civic Works Committee Meeting online.
Feedback continues to be collected. Please learn more about mode share and complete a feedback form here.

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