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Share feedback about the Green Bin program and biweekly garbage collection

The City is collecting feedback about the new Green Bin program and biweekly garbage pickup. The feedback will help inform the preliminary review of the changes that were implemented January 15, 2024.  

0% answered

The Green Bin program


Did you find the information package provided inside your Green Bin and kitchen container helpful and informative about how to use the Green Bin? (select one)


What additional information would you like to see about the Green Bin and how to use it? (select all that apply):


Do you find the list of accepted materials for the Green Bin program adequate? (select one)


If materials are to be added to the Green Bin in the future, what materials do you feel should be added? (select all that apply)

Biweekly garbage collection


How would you rate your satisfaction of the new collection schedule changes for Green Bin and recycling (collected weekly)? (select one)


How would you rate your satisfaction of the new collection schedule changes for garbage collection (collected biweekly)? (select one)


What concerns, if any, might you have about biweekly garbage collection? (select all that apply)


What concerns, if any, might you have with the 3 container limit as part of biweekly garbage collection? (select all that apply)


What concerns, if any, might you have about handling pet waste in-between biweekly garbage collection? (select all that apply)


What concerns, if any, might you have about handling diapers and sanitary products in-between biweekly garbage collection? (select all that apply)


Some communities have special programs for handling diapers and sanitary products. What kind of program would you support? (select all that apply)


For any of the potential new programs for handling diapers, would you be willing to pay for additional services? (select one)