0% answered
What climate impacts in London and area have you observed? (select all that apply)
Have you dealt with climate impacts where you live in London?
Do you have family and/or friends in other parts of the world that have been impacted by a changing climate?
Do you and your neighbours talk about the impacts of climate change?
Do you and your neighbours talk about how you might work together to stay safe in a severe weather event?
Have you and your neighbours created any formal plans to help in the case of a severe weather event (e.g., flood, fire, extreme heat)?
Have you done anything on your property to prepare for the impacts of the changing climate?
Who do you think are the most vulnerable people in London when it comes to severe weather? (select all that apply)
What type of information would be helpful to you to understand how to prepare for the impacts of severe weather? (select all that apply)
How can we enhance community engagement and participation to get you and your neighbours more involved in climate action preparedness? (select all that apply)
In Section 6 of the Discussion Primer (see page 25), please rate the importance of the areas when it comes to community planning for the impacts of climate change and severe weather in the following categories:
1- Built Environment
2- Natural Environment
3- People
4- Engagement Partnerships
Are any of the proposed actions listed in Section 6 of the Discussion Primer actions that you think will have an impact on your preparedness and/or resilience?
Are you aware of any other information or resources that you think should be included in this work moving forward?
Where do you think are the most vulnerable areas of London?
Maximum 255 characters
Is there anything else you would like to say?