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About this project
The City of London is preparing a Streetscape Master Plan for the Argyle core area on Dundas Street between Highbury Avenue North and just east of Wavell Street.
The Streetscape Master Plan will be a high-level design guideline that will encompass design enhancements for the street, along with potential opportunities and investments to improvethe pedestrian realm and public space in this area. The plan will also include considerations for streetscape furniture, beautification initiatives, and potential connections to adjacent communities and parkland for different modes of transportation that aligns with the vision set out in the Argyle Community Improvement Plan.
The plan will serve as a blueprint for a vibrant and inclusive urban space accessible to everyone. The goal of this project is to elevate the Argyle core area into a unique destination and a hub of economic vitality with a distinct sense of place. The plan will also consider the complete streets design approach by considering and balancing the needs of people walking, riding bicycles, taking public transit, and driving.
Above: This map shows the study limits for the Streetscape Master Plan along Dundas Street between Highbury Avenue North and just east of Wavell Street.
Public update meeting
You are invited to a public update meeting, where you can learn more about the project and have an opportunity to provide feedback on the final design concept and urban design guidelines. The details of the meeting can be found below:
Date: Wednesday, June 26, 2024
Time: 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Location: East Lions Community Centre 1731 Churchill Ave, London, ON
The information presented at the previous public meeting from January 31, 2024 at East Lions Community Centre is included in the video below.
The City of London is preparing a Streetscape Master Plan for the Argyle core area on Dundas Street between Highbury Avenue North and just east of Wavell Street.
The Streetscape Master Plan will be a high-level design guideline that will encompass design enhancements for the street, along with potential opportunities and investments to improvethe pedestrian realm and public space in this area. The plan will also include considerations for streetscape furniture, beautification initiatives, and potential connections to adjacent communities and parkland for different modes of transportation that aligns with the vision set out in the Argyle Community Improvement Plan.
The plan will serve as a blueprint for a vibrant and inclusive urban space accessible to everyone. The goal of this project is to elevate the Argyle core area into a unique destination and a hub of economic vitality with a distinct sense of place. The plan will also consider the complete streets design approach by considering and balancing the needs of people walking, riding bicycles, taking public transit, and driving.
Above: This map shows the study limits for the Streetscape Master Plan along Dundas Street between Highbury Avenue North and just east of Wavell Street.
Public update meeting
You are invited to a public update meeting, where you can learn more about the project and have an opportunity to provide feedback on the final design concept and urban design guidelines. The details of the meeting can be found below:
Date: Wednesday, June 26, 2024
Time: 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Location: East Lions Community Centre 1731 Churchill Ave, London, ON
The information presented at the previous public meeting from January 31, 2024 at East Lions Community Centre is included in the video below.
The personal information submitted on this page is collected under the authority of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25 and will be used to provide details regarding the Argyle Streetscape Master Plan project.
Questions about this collection of personal information should be addressed to Andrew Denomme at 300 Dufferin Ave., London, ON N6A 4L9, or by telephone at 519-661-2489 ext. 5037, or email to