Adelaide Wastewater Treatment Plant Flood Protection Project
About this project
In 2024 and 2025, the City of London will be undertaking construction of a flood protection system at the Adelaide Wastewater Treatment Plant to improve our resiliency to climate change. This work was identified through a Schedule B Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA).
The work is mainly composed of building an earth berm around the perimeter of the Adelaide Wastewater Treatment Plant, along with the construction of new infrastructure inside the plant property
This work will require a significant amount of large construction machinery (i.e., excavators, loaders, dump trucks and cranes). It will impact the surrounding areas and some city amenities will be disrupted.
- Trees – In order to complete the flood protection measures, 53 trees are to be removed around the Adelaide Wastewater Treatment Plant. These will be replaced as part of the City’s tree replacement programs.
- North London Athletic Fields - It is expected that the work will impact the park along its southern areas near the volleyball courts. The courts should not be impacted. However, the small parking lot nearby will need to be closed for an extended period to accommodate construction and staging. There will also be periods of time where the access road to the fields will be limited. Some delays may be experienced, but no full closures are expected.
Public update meeting
The City is hosting a public update meeting about the Adelaide and Greenway Wastewater Treatment Plant Flood Protection Projects. Residents are invited to attend and speak with the project team to learn more about the project, ask questions, and share comments.
Date: January 11, 2024
Time: 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Location: City Hall (300 Dufferin Avenue, 2nd Floor, Committee Room 2
Attendees will be able to access City Hall from the main front doors or the lower-level parking lot doors.