Frequently asked questions
- Replacing the Regent Street sanitary sewers with a single pipe in an accessible location under the roadway.
- Installing new private sanitary sewer connections from the new sanitary sewer to the property line.
- Replacing the existing storm sewer with a larger diameter pipe in approximately the same location under the roadway.
- Relacing the Regent Street watermain with a larger pipe in the south boulevard between the curb and the hydro poles. Water services will be replaced from the new watermain to the property line
- Replacing the local watermain and sewers on Fraser Avenue
- Relocating the trunk watermain from Huron Street Woods to Regent Street and Fraser Avenue.
Why is this project happening?
The City will be reconstructing Regent Street from Colborne Street to Maitland Street, and Fraser Avenue from Regent Street to Huron Street, to replace aging infrastructure that has met its expected lifecycle.
Aging infrastructure poses health risks to residents in the event of a collapse or break. It is imperative that the City replace the sewers and watermain that were built in the 1930s and 1940s before emergency work is required.
The existing pipes are nearing the end of their useful life and are undersized.
The infrastructure also no longer meets the provincial standards requiring separation between the pipelines to prevent contamination.
The project includes relocating the trunk watermain from Huron Street Woods to Regent Street and Fraser Avenue. This aging trunk watermain located in the wetland of the Huron Street Woods needs to be moved to an accessible location. Replacing the trunk watermain in its current location would cause significantly higher environmental impacts and tree removals to access the infrastructure.
What work is included during this construction project?
The project includes:
How are tree removals determined for this project?
During the project’s design, staff from the City’s engineering, forestry, and construction administration divisions along with the consulting engineer and arborist walked the site to evaluate each property, determine the current health of the trees, and determine how to best install services while minimizing impacts to trees and structures.
Where possible, the City will be using trenchless construction methods for this project to reduce the number of trees removed. Unfortunately, this is not possible for the entire project due to technical challenges and space limitations in the road.
Where excavation is needed, the width of excavation has also been considered to reduce impacts to tree roots and minimize tree removals.
What trees are planned to be removed?
An arborist from the project team has inspected the trees along the streets to determine their health condition, review conflicts with construction and to develop a tree protection plan.
Anticipated tree removals are listed below and are subject to change. Only the trees noted as “removal is required” will be removed prior to construction, however any tree identified as a safety risk during construction will be removed for the protection of the workers and public.
Removal is required for a total of 8 small and 7 large trees on Regent Street at the following municipal numbers: 404, 406, 410, 412, 427, 440, 448, 451, 452, 454, as well as 1009 Maitland Street, and 1020 Colborne Street. In addition, 3 small trees and 9 large trees have been identified to have construction impacts which may effect their long term survival.
Removal is required for a total of 5 large trees on Fraser Avenue at the following municipal numbers: 1057, 1058, 1060, as well as 440 Regent Street, and 441 Huron Street. In addition, 2 small trees and 10 large trees have been identified to have construction impacts which may effect their long term survival.
Will trees be replanted after construction?
Yes. The City is planning to replace the removed trees and will evaluate new tree planting opportunities on these streets. This planting would take place during the next available planting season likely in spring 2024, using trees with a minimum 50mm caliper.
When would trees be removed?
Tree removals would take place in early spring ahead of construction starting. Any trees removed after March 31 will be inspected by a bird expert before removal.