Masonville Secondary Plan
What is a Secondary Plan?
Secondary Plans form part of the Official Plan and provide more specific policies than the policies of the existing Official Plan for a particular area. Secondary Plans allow for a comprehensive study of the secondary plan area, considering the other policies in the Official Plan. They allow for a coordinated planning approach for the secondary plan area and the opportunity to provide more detailed policy guidance for the area that goes beyond the general policies of the Official Plan.
What is the status of the Masonville Secondary Plan Study?
The Ontario Land Tribunal has approved the amended Masonville Secondary Plan which is now in full force and effect.
What is a Secondary Plan?
Secondary Plans form part of the Official Plan and provide more specific policies than the policies of the existing Official Plan for a particular area. Secondary Plans allow for a comprehensive study of the secondary plan area, considering the other policies in the Official Plan. They allow for a coordinated planning approach for the secondary plan area and the opportunity to provide more detailed policy guidance for the area that goes beyond the general policies of the Official Plan.
What is the status of the Masonville Secondary Plan Study?
The Ontario Land Tribunal has approved the amended Masonville Secondary Plan which is now in full force and effect.
Masonville Secondary Plan - In Force and Effect
Share Masonville Secondary Plan - In Force and Effect on Facebook Share Masonville Secondary Plan - In Force and Effect on Twitter Share Masonville Secondary Plan - In Force and Effect on Linkedin Email Masonville Secondary Plan - In Force and Effect linkThe Masonville Secondary Plan has been approved by the Ontario Land Tribunal by oral order on June 26, 2023.
The Secondary Plan will guide the future growth and development within the Masonville Area.
Why are we doing a Secondary Plan for Masonville?
Share Why are we doing a Secondary Plan for Masonville? on Facebook Share Why are we doing a Secondary Plan for Masonville? on Twitter Share Why are we doing a Secondary Plan for Masonville? on Linkedin Email Why are we doing a Secondary Plan for Masonville? linkNeed for a Secondary Plan
The London Plan identifies four Transit Villages, which are intended to be exceptionally designed, high density, mixed-use urban neighbourhoods connected by rapid transit to the Downtown and to each other.These Transit Villages are intended to support intense forms of mixed-use development. While these Transit Villages are located in existing built-up areas, these locations have opportunities for significant infill, redevelopment, and overall more efficient use of land to support transit.
The lands around the intersection of Richmond Street and Fanshawe Park Road, including lands fronting on portions of North Centre Road and Sunnyside Drive, in the Masonville neighbourhood are identified as one of the Transit Villages in The London Plan, referred to as the “Masonville Transit Village”. The Transit Village Place Type permits a broad range of residential, retail, service, office, cultural, institutional, hospitality, entertainment, recreational and other related uses, with a range of permitted heights between two to 15 storeys, up to 22 storeys with Type 2 Bonus Zoning. Mixed-use buildings are also encouraged.
Currently, the area within the Masonville Transit Village is primarily occupied by low-rise retail, attached residential uses and large expanses of surface parking. It is anticipated that the area will undergo redevelopment through infill and intensification over time to realize the vision of the Transit Village Place Type. The development of a Secondary Plan is intended to provide a greater level of detail and more specific guidance for the Masonville Transit Village than the general Transit Village Place Type policies, to create a plan for the future development of a Transit Village that is unique to the Masonville community. The Secondary Plan will also address issues of compatibility and transition to existing uses within the Transit Village and the surrounding neighbourhood.
The development of a Secondary Plan allows for a proactive and coordinated approach for evaluating future development. It is anticipated that secondary plans will be developed for all four Transit Villages. The Masonville Transit Village, given the recent development pressure in that area, will be the first of these four Transit Villages to undergo the development of a Secondary Plan.
What are some of the questions the Secondary Plan seeks to answer?
- How can connectivity be improved throughout the Transit Village in the future?
- What is an appropriate built form to allow high density development and transition to the surrounding neighbourhoods?
- How can the area be designed to support transit?
- What is an appropriate land use mix?
- What community services and facilities would be required?
- Where should parks and publically accessible open space be provided?
- How can the provision of a range and mix of housing types be encouraged?
- What infrastructure will be required to support the community in the future?
- How can the effects of traffic and parking be mitigated?
- How can the Masonville Transit Village be developed in the future as a complete community? What does this look like?
Who's Listening
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Terms of Reference Approved by Municipal Council
Masonville Secondary Plan has finished this stageJanuary 2019
Community Information Meeting #1
Masonville Secondary Plan has finished this stageMarch 27, 2019
Walk and Imagine my Neighbourhood Tour
Masonville Secondary Plan has finished this stageMay 23, 2019
Community Information Meeting #2
Masonville Secondary Plan has finished this stageSeptember 18, 2019
Planner "Office Hours"
Masonville Secondary Plan has finished this stageQ1-Q3, 2019
Draft Principles Presented to Municipal Council
Masonville Secondary Plan has finished this stageOctober 2019
Draft Secondary Plan Prepared
Masonville Secondary Plan has finished this stageMarch 2021
Final Masonville Secondary Plan
Masonville Secondary Plan has finished this stageAugust, 2021
Final Secondary Plan Presented to Municipal Council for adoption
Masonville Secondary Plan has finished this stageOctober, 2021
Secondary Plan approved by the Ontario Land Tribunal
Masonville Secondary Plan is currently at this stageFinished
Masonville Secondary Plan FINAL (24.6 MB) (pdf)
Masonville Secondary Plan - Parts In Effect and Under Appeal (24.5 MB) (pdf)
O-8991 - Notice of PPM Masonville Secondary Plan - Oct 18, 2021 (999 KB) (pdf)
Masonville Secondary Plan October 2021 (22.3 MB) (pdf)
Masonville Secondary Plan - August 2021 (18.5 MB) (pdf)
Report - August 30, 2021 - Final Masonville Secondary Plan (16.6 MB) (pdf)
Draft Masonville Secondary Plan March 2021.pdf (19.3 MB) (pdf)
Transportation Impact Assessment and Parking Study (6.86 MB) (pdf)
Report - March 29, 2021 - Public Participation Meeting (549 KB) (pdf)
Report - March 1, 2021 draft Masonville Secondary Plan (842 KB) (pdf)
Update Report - October, 2019 (456 KB) (pdf)
Terms of Reference - January, 2019 (633 KB) (pdf)
Notice of Collection
The personal information submitted on this page is collected under the authority of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25 and will be used to provide details regarding future Masonville Secondary Plan supported events or activities.
Questions about this collection of personal information should be addressed to City Planning at 206 Dundas St, London, ON N6A 1G7, or by telephone at 519-661-4980, or email to