London Community Recovery Network Portal

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The City of London is committed to a strong and inclusive recovery from COVID-19. In July 2020, City Council established the London Community Recovery Network (LCRN). You can find information related to accessing Community Recovery Funding below.

About the London Community Recovery Network

The London Community Recovery Network (LCRN) is chaired by the Mayor, supported by Council, and led by 51 community leaders who represent social, economic, and institutional organizations across London. LCRN is working to build a strong and inclusive post-pandemic London by driving recovery and renewal in our community.

About the London Community Recovery Framework

Through a collaborative, data-driven process, the LCRN identified recovery areas of focus, shared indicators, and metrics to guide and measure community efforts. These components form the vision for community recovery described in the London Community Recovery Framework. Rooted in eight shared commitments, the Framework provides a resource for organizations to align their collective efforts on recovery while also meeting the needs of individual sectors, members, and organizations. Click here to review the London Community Recovery Framework.

London Community Recovery Framework Progress Update

LCRN member organizations have identified 260 planned, ongoing, or completed initiatives through 2022 that are supporting London’s recovery in alignment with one or more of the LCRN’s vision and objectives. Of the total, 198 are initiatives that were created in response to the pandemic, and 62 were existing initiatives that were redesigned to align with LCRN recovery efforts. Click here to review the LCRN Mid-Year Report.

Community Recovery Funding

Between fall 2020 and spring 2021, Municipal Council approved a total of $10 million to be set aside to support social and economic recovery measures. Since then, several submissions have been presented to City Council where City funding was requested to support community recovery initiatives. As of June 2023, the funding available to support the Formal Process for Accessing Community Recovery Funding has been fully allocated. Additionally, the LCRN Readiness Fund has been fully allocated as of January 2024.

The City of London is committed to a strong and inclusive recovery from COVID-19. In July 2020, City Council established the London Community Recovery Network (LCRN). You can find information related to accessing Community Recovery Funding below.

About the London Community Recovery Network

The London Community Recovery Network (LCRN) is chaired by the Mayor, supported by Council, and led by 51 community leaders who represent social, economic, and institutional organizations across London. LCRN is working to build a strong and inclusive post-pandemic London by driving recovery and renewal in our community.

About the London Community Recovery Framework

Through a collaborative, data-driven process, the LCRN identified recovery areas of focus, shared indicators, and metrics to guide and measure community efforts. These components form the vision for community recovery described in the London Community Recovery Framework. Rooted in eight shared commitments, the Framework provides a resource for organizations to align their collective efforts on recovery while also meeting the needs of individual sectors, members, and organizations. Click here to review the London Community Recovery Framework.

London Community Recovery Framework Progress Update

LCRN member organizations have identified 260 planned, ongoing, or completed initiatives through 2022 that are supporting London’s recovery in alignment with one or more of the LCRN’s vision and objectives. Of the total, 198 are initiatives that were created in response to the pandemic, and 62 were existing initiatives that were redesigned to align with LCRN recovery efforts. Click here to review the LCRN Mid-Year Report.

Community Recovery Funding

Between fall 2020 and spring 2021, Municipal Council approved a total of $10 million to be set aside to support social and economic recovery measures. Since then, several submissions have been presented to City Council where City funding was requested to support community recovery initiatives. As of June 2023, the funding available to support the Formal Process for Accessing Community Recovery Funding has been fully allocated. Additionally, the LCRN Readiness Fund has been fully allocated as of January 2024.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
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Page last updated: 22 Jan 2024, 12:17 PM