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The outlet structure for SWMF 3E is to be retrofitted to optimize the quantity and erosion control volume of the existing facility. The retrofit will also improve erosion and flooding conditions downstream.
SWMF 4 is to be retrofitted to provide water quantity, quality and erosion control to all upstream lands. The proposed retrofit includes expansion of the facility to the west, to include a connection to the existing channel. The design will include habitat enhancements components through the inclusion of shallow wet pools.
The existing pond feature located west of the Stanton Drain and South of Gainsborough Road will require further detailed ecological investigations and assessments specific to the recommended works. The consultant will include a surface water assessment of the noted feature in addition to the wildlife protection and any other ecological work prior to final design and construction.
Remediation of and design of 70 +/- metres of the southern portion of the Stanton Drain. These works were originally identified in the 2002 EA with the majority of the upstream portions of drain having been remediated in 2013. The remaining length is to be completed in order to finish the channel re-profile. Natural channel design elements will be used to maintain the meanders, increase ecological benefits and function.