Ridout Street Bike Lane

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The City of London will be installing new protected cycle lanes and resurfacing Ridout Street in summer/fall 2024.

The new cycling facilities between Horton Street and King Street will connect the cycling facilities on Victoria Bridge to the cycle tracks on Ridout Street downtown. They will include concrete curbs and green flexible bollards.

A full surface rehabilitation of Ridout Street from Horton Street to King Street will be completed as part of this project including new asphalt and pavement markings.

The City of London will be installing new protected cycle lanes and resurfacing Ridout Street in summer/fall 2024.

The new cycling facilities between Horton Street and King Street will connect the cycling facilities on Victoria Bridge to the cycle tracks on Ridout Street downtown. They will include concrete curbs and green flexible bollards.

A full surface rehabilitation of Ridout Street from Horton Street to King Street will be completed as part of this project including new asphalt and pavement markings.

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Page last updated: 04 Jul 2024, 08:23 AM